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The title of all the Ed... things above is actually a very condensed bio' on him. If there is ever reason to doubt Edsanity, it would only be because you had never met him. Although a bit eccentric, Ed has qualities for you to appreciate.

Smoke signals are not accepted, nor telegrams (unless you're Ed McMahon). Just email Ed at fedknutson@hotmail.com. When emailing, please put "Edroom" as the subject so we know you've already learned more about Ed than he knows himself. Yes?

From the beginning. As Ed remembers it!

Born naked (nude beginnings) at the age of 0 (zero) on 7/11/1956, Ed made his debut. The name of the kid at this time was, as far as he knows was: Franky Kennedy. After the doctor dropped him (on his head his brother claims), little Franky rolled around until the hospital staff used a broomstick to knock him out from where he was caught beneath the bed. This is of course was before he was adopted along with his older brother and two older sisters (Lois Ann, David Allen, and Betty Jane - BJ). These are his real blood brothers and sisters!

After getting new parents, (Buddie and Betty Knutson) the little insta-family moved from the pine forests of Columbus, Georgia to the high plains and big sky of Montana. Dad was in the U.S. Army at Fort Benning near Columbus, GA when the adoption happened.  Once dad was discharged, the family headed up to Montana to take over and run the family farm north of Great Falls near Floweree. Four insta-kids and a big farm to run, .... yeah, that's the ticket!

Learning the value of working hard, Edward also learned to dislike menial labor. An over-active process was already at work in his mind. Humor was a way to see life without suffering the mental terror of boredome.

Twenty five (25) miles of wheat fields and high plains north of the city of Great Falls, Montana is where the Knutson homesteads were. Totalling approximately two thousand acres, the farm was not very large at all compared to the average Montana wheat farm.

Like most kids, Edward were usually bored if there wasn't work to be done. That doesn't mean he liked doing work, it's just he never developed any interests in anything in particular during his growing up. However, stirring in his mind was something else. Humor was his outlet that seemed to quell the horror of boredom.

Edward became two letter E-d close to the sixth grade when he was, like many children that age, starting to learn how to be more individualistic. Besides, if only pa and ma, and siblings are all that call you Edward....   nuff said. Now that Edward has realized that so many other guys have tainted that E-d name, he'll go by Edward, F. Edward, Mr. Knutson, Ed, ... but please, Eddie sounds too much like a hoodlum from a borough in New York City.

Edward is glad he was adopted though, and greatly appreciates his Christian upbringing and values, morals, "character straightening excercises", and the rest that has made him who he is. But we all know, that God is still working on that rascal.


Pictured at the top of this page above we see little Edward at play in Columbus Georgia circa early 1960 age 3. This is a good place to tell a story of the patience he had at an early age. Not long after this picture was taken, when the family had moved to the farm 11 miles ffrom Floweree, (not on the map) Montana, Edward was at play in the sand box (no kitties allowed) in front of the farmhouse. He had a toy tractor and a toy plow, representing the ones his dad was at work with at the same time out in the field. Little Edward could not see where his dad was plowing from his sandbox, however the neighbor was plowing his field just across the road. Edward would then watch the neighbor (Roger DeBruycker) coming up the strip of field and try to match his speed with the little toy tractor and plow in his sandbox. He could not see the field directly from his sandbox, so he would get up and walk several yards to guage where Roger was on his strip of field. Then Edward would return to his sandbox and try to adjust his tractor and plow to match Roger's position. The thoughts would already go through his mind regarding the difference in scale of a real tractor and field and the play tractor and field. Also he noticed the difference in speed by trying to push his little toy tractor so very very very (did I say very) slow that it would be going around his sandbox "field" at the same speed as Roger went around his real field. After trying to match the neighbors speed for several hours, this was the end of the "real" versus "play" study in the sandbox!

Kindergarten for Edward was taught at home on the farm by mom. The only thing Edward can remember about the homeschooling time was his lesson in creativity. It seems that mom had to teach little Edward while at the same time taking care of the duties of a farmer's wife. This meant that mom would get Edward going on a lesson, then go back to the chores at hand, and return to check up on Edward's progress.  This lesson was having to do with exploring the child's creativity. Using a lump of clay, the child was to make and object of their own fancy using their imagination. Mom explained this to Edward, leaving him and the lump of clay and going back to preparing the noon time dinner for Dad and the rest of the crew. Edward looked at the clay and thought, picked it up and thought, laid it back down and thought, and thought and thought and thought. Mom came back a while later to see Edward had done nothing to the lump except to move it around a little. Mom then told Edward explicitly that he was to make some object, animal, etc. out of this lump before Dad and the crew came in from the fields for dinner. She was getting really serious with him now! Edward rolled the clay and thought about it and WOW, there it was the whole time, so he set about putting the finishing touches on his unique creation. When mom came in to get him for dinner he was as excited as could be to show off his creative skills. However the look on mom's face was a little disturbing as he explained that he had made a CIGAR! Mom was not too excited, having expected more from this bright little lad, yet we must move on in his lessons, so the cigar was accepted as his creative masterpiece of clay!

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See Photos of why this individual is unique in his visible self, and wonder why he used up all of his cuteness in his youth!