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Now where were we?

After working at the Christian radio station for a while, Ed was developing some new voice characters and putting them together. Also, this is when Ed was learning about creation science, and of course his heart went out to the children who are being misled in the government school system. Ed had a leading at the time to somehow get a production company started that would bring the truth of creation to the children who were being mis-fed the lies of evolution. Ed would say;

"I want to have CDs of some kind of radio-style drama for kids that teaches them the truth of God's word about creation, so that when a kid comes home from school and tells mom and dad what they learned in school about evolution, the parents can give the CDs to them for them to learn the truth. Then the parents and the children can study and pray over the truth!"

About this time, Ed was looking at schools for audio engineering, and found out that he couldn't afford the 17,000 to go. Then Lon Mathis, Ed's former manager at the radio station had quit and gone into advertising sales. Lon knew that Ed had been involved in ad-sales in the past. Lon and his boss David recruited him to quit the radio station and sell advertising as a traveling salesman in the great state of California. Ed thought he had a plan. He figured that he would make a bunch of money in sales, (they painted a picture a very lucrative picture) and go to a sound engineering school. Then he would land a good job in sound engineering, and make lots of contacts. This would allow him to start his production company to start his creation dramas for kids.

Well, after a little more than two months on the road, Ed saw the truth of how much money he'd make in sales. Previoulsly Ed had acquired tickets for the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) before he left his radio job. So in April 2001 he took a break from sales and went to Las Vegas for the NAB convention. He had a friend that he stayed with while he reconsidered his career as a traveling salesman Living in hotels, eating out daily, and the rigors of living on the road were not very appealing anymore. So Ed ended up staying and working in Las Vegas at KKVV Chrisitian talk radio.

Joe Behar, Don Usherman, and Rip Taylor. See picture above to right.

The late Joe Behar (Left) used to have "The Community Drama Workshop" over at the Gold Coast in Las Vegas. I did some work with them. I also wrote, voiced, and produced a tribute radio style mini drama honoring Joe, called "The Neo-Drama Hour". Joe worked with quite a few famous folk in his time.


Ed and Gary Michaels belting it out!

Ed met Gary Michaels when they were part of the Passion Play of Las Vegas in 2002. We used to go singing together at a local karaoke joint called Shifty's. We would sing Bad Moon Rising by CCR, but change the lyrics to Bath Room on the Right. Also we would sing a couple of Beatles songs. Gary has moved back to New Jersey now!


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