Ed as Ephraim in the Passion Play of Las Vegas - "He's Alive!" 2002. Dealing with this merchant will leave your moneybag lighter and his moneybag the heavier!
April 1974 USMC boot camp portrait. One of the rare photos of Edward without a moustache past the age of 12. They say this is a boot camp photo, so how come they don't show the boots?

Edward when he was still known as little Franky. Learning early on in life that there's just something about a pickup man - Tonka or otherwise!
Edward (center front) letting his "little light shine" about 1960 or 61.

Private First Class F E Knutson USMC A-School bottom row middle. Actually this is a special team of crack intelligence handling agents training to quell mantifullous constibulations duing periods of abursement.

Ed the dad trying keep his sons from drowning him. They would usually lure him into the water to take advantage of their natural crocodile like strengths!

Ed in the 80s. Not one to pass up an antique fedora, yet he definetly was good at passing up the barber!
Sheriff Edward never did take much guff off of anyone. Well that is if it was okay with Mom and Dad!
If these pictures of F. Ed Knutson bother you, just think how his future wife must feel!
EDWARD - THE LAD This young brite eyed lad, has no idea or ideas, as that well may be, of the things that are in store for him. Alas N O W he is one who can sing of life's songs as he, as much as any, has learned so well the many meanings life may bestow, as life may be. Blah blah blah, blah more blah and then blah.
Here is a representation of my Savior and Lord Yeshua. Look long and meditate upon His face and see what comes to sight.
Ed in the karaoke joint belting out the blues. Although highly requested for the blues and country songs, occasional requests for CCR songs would come in, especially Ed's unique rendition of "There's A Bathroom On The Right", know by most as "Bad Moon Rising".
Edsons, Anthony on mic at top and Steven on mic at bottom. KKPZ Portland, OR. Feb-2001
Ed as Shifty the snakeoil saleman along with his good pal Sharon the snakeoil salesmans' assistant circa summer of 2000. ARE YOU SICK OF BEING SICK? ARE YOU TIRED OF BEING TIRED? ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED? WELLLLLL THEN, WHAT I HAVE HERE WILL .........
Who'd have even thunk that at age 7 there were plans for this little boy that were yet to unfold bringing to the world the many character voices that were in his little head. Blah blah blah blah and blah! What do you do with your hands while waiting to have your picture taken?
Ed doing some James Bond style espionage in the waters off of St. Thomas, US Virgin Island
Ed's karaoke singing paid off, here he's singing with Chrsitian recording artist Kathy Trocolli
Ed surrounded by Ryan, Marge, and Ivan of the famous "Duck Boat Adventure" on St Maarten Island. Ryan (with dread locks) gave Ed a music CD of the Caribbean Christian Band he's part of "Dread'l"
Steven Wayne, F. Ed, and Tony Edward Knutson at Balboa Pier, Newport Beach, CA, Feb 26, 2005
Ed in lower center with most of the cast of the Feb 2005 Jonathan Park radio drama!